We guide and
offer corporate professional solutions to our clients through advisories, strategic envisioning,
business planning, policy formulations, transitory caretaker management, linkages and capacity
building. To achieve the desired outcomes, the firm employs a participatory, consultative and
systemic thinking and modelling approach.
The firm’s target clientele include: National and County governments’, Public and private
institutions, Non Governmental organisations, Federations, Associations, unions, SACCOs,
Cooperatives and producer organisations. With diverse professional backgrounds, we are committed in contributing to empowerment and growth of our clients by providing working solutions and strengthening capacities. We provide high quality consulting and work with you in identifying solutions and options needed to achieve the desired transformative growth.
We recognize that there is a huge potential human, natural, social as well as economic in the region which can be tapped, once people, institutions, communities, businesses and organizations are adequately empowered with knowledge and capacities.
Corporate Expertise
Our team of consultants offers diverse professional backgrounds in Public
policy research, advocacy and analysis, Agricultural and health economics, Macroeconomics and
econometrics, Strategic analysis, business and institutional planning, Strategic partnership &
alliances with stakeholders (Public and Private Sectors), Market system development (M4P
Approach), Financial forecasting modelling and analysis, System thinking for complex systems,
Governance and leadership, Entrepreneurship, Business administration and legal review, Project
cycle management ,Monitoring and evaluation, Baseline surveys, Project closure up reports,
Value chain development and analysis, Technical expertise in dairy production, Stakeholder
analysis, qualitative and quantitative Research, Information communication and technology
In addition, the firm has an advisory wing that guides the partner consultants.